In the year 1991, through the church, a need based assessment survey was carried out in the city of Thane and it was realized that there were many to be addressed like illiteracy, women issues, the prison, medical, communal harmony, rag pickers, shoe-shine boys, etc.
To tackle such above mentioned issues, like minded people came together. Hence it was up to Fr. Joe, Sr. Sandhya& Volunteers to take up the responsibility and in 1993, the first 'contact' center was inaugurated on 30th November 1993 at the NavYuvakMitraMandal, ChendeniKoliwada, Thane East one year from the gestation period and the name suggested to it was Aasara.
Now with the first contact center running, Fr. Joe and the others felt that there were skilled people required. Among others Father approached the NirmalaNiketan College of Social Work and they deputed Mr. Freddy Martis of Vatsalya, their field project who were working for street children. Fr. Joe's team started to raise funds through the St. John Youth Movement for its day to day activities as he was the director. Simultaneously, The Young Christian Workers (involved with child labour issues with Fr. Joe as their director). When people saw the good work the Aasara was rehabilitating street kids and child labourers, they supported him to raise funds and even encouraged that Aasara be registered as a
separate trust.
Aasara was officially separated from the Church trust and Fr. Joe got together some specialized people like Ms. Patsy Khan of NirmalaNiketan College of Social Work, Sr. Sandhya was included as a member because of her 20 years experience in social work &was working in Aasara as a para-professional. Later, Mr. Paulose Parakkadan, founder of Devdhaan, a fisheries project, was included as a member.
Aasara trust was formed in December 1995 and legally registered on the 2nd of April, 1996, with the Assistant Charity Commissioner, Thane.
